#fridayflash: the benefits of myopia / by Katherine Hajer

I tried to do this art photo series once, black and white, just ordinary objects. The trick was I wanted to make the camera's lens as out of focus as my eyes are when I don't have my glasses on. It's funny to me, but even adults sometimes really don't understand what it's like to be nearsighted. At least children will ask.

I still think it was a good idea, but I ran into technical difficulties: the camera's lens couldn't go as out of focus as my eyes. Not even close. I suppose with different gear I might be able to pull it off, but in the end it was just a whim, so I've never tried.

People have this funny stereotype of the half-blind stumbling around when they don't have their specs on, but if you're in a place you know, it's not much different than seeing things sharply. Yes, I have to press my nose right up against the washroom mirror to put makeup on, but there's a kind of beauty to the blur that's hard to explain.

Beauty, and wonder. Lots of subjective wonder. Like sometimes, when I wake up from a really good sleep, just for a moment if feels like I get a glimpse of the entire room in focus without the help of any apparatus. Then it falls apart to blurriness again. Someone with 20/20 vision can't appreciate that. It's like there's this fuzzy, half-hidden world that only the sand-blind get to know about, and we need the lenses to see the other, sharper world.

With my glasses off, I'm not like those fully-sighted people who think that, every once in a while, they see shadows without sources. I know which ones they are. They're the ones which are still nice and crisp when everything else is a blur.

The shadow-people will talk to us. Not right away, of course. But if you consistently show that you're not afraid of them, they'll stop disappearing every time they know they've been spotted. And if you're consistently friendly every time they pass through, they'll start to be friendly back.

The shadows love fairness, and vindication appeals to them. Did you throw snowballs at me in sixth grade, when my glasses were so fogged up that I could see better without them, but not well enough to see the chunk of ice that smacked me in the face? The shadows are going to exact revenge for me.

Believe me, that's something I can hardly wait to see. I might even take photos.