
how to make green poppies by Katherine Hajer

One tradition I adhere to very strictly is the wearing of a poppy pin on Remembrance Day. I know it surprises some people who know my politics, but let's just say I'm very big on the "Never Again" that is supposed to come right after the "Lest We Forget" part.

I stumbled across this wonderful free download on Ravelry by loopySue Designs. It has five different poppy patterns in it, all crocheted in worsted weight yarn. The notes say that they were made for an art installation, not to wear, but I used the tail from the centres to crochet a short chain (3 sts) and attach it to the other side on the back so I could pin it easily. Nothing wrong with wearing a handmade poppy — you can always drop some money in the donation boxes the Royal Legion circulates and not take one of the paper/plastic ones.

I just grabbed the first two balls of leftover yarn I had in the right colours and had at it. The two poppies in the photo took about ten minutes to make, each.